Uploading Photos to Facebook

You can upload captured photos directly to your Facebook page from within CyberLink YouCam. To upload captured photos to Facebook, do this:

  1. Select the photos in the captured content area that you want to upload to Facebook.
  2. Select the YouCam fbbutt9 Uploading Photos to Facebook button. The Upload Media to Facebook wizard opens, displaying the authorization window.
  3. Follow the steps outlined in the window to grant CyberLink YouCam permission to upload media to your Facebook page.
  4. Once the authorization and connection process is complete, enter the details about your photos as follows:
    • Select album: select an existing album from your Facebook page to upload the photos to. Select Create a New Album to add the photos to a new album.
    • Album name: enter a name for the newly created photo album.
YouCam note Uploading Photos to Facebook

Note: if you are creating a new album, you must enter an album name before you can upload your photos.

    • Album location: enter in the location where the photos were taken.
    • Album description: enter in a short description for the photos you are uploading.
    • Privacy: select who has permissions to view these photos once they are uploaded.
    • Add photo description: enter a description that will display under all of the uploaded photos.
  1. Select Upload to begin uploading your photos to Facebook. Select the Finished button once your photos are uploaded.

Uploading Photos to Facebook